join us on Teams Shop – Excel в .csv или .xml

The site is the webservice for Excel price lists converting into format .csv or .xml for goods import in the online shops and any trading platforms. The service is written on CakePHP and has a very simple admin panel that allows to make adjustments, such as:

  • to assign each category of an initial price the necessary category from the online shop;
  • to assign a margin to product, depending on the category to which it belongs, or goods cost range;
  • to check the availability of goods in a warehouse and specify its quantity;
  • to specify for any column of the original price-list column number of the final price-list, which should get the required values;
  • to assign any text to any column, etc.

As a result the service can easily process the price list with 20 000 goods; appropriate the category from online shop to each goods; add a margin to goods cost depending on goods category or price (for example, to $50 a margin is 5%, $50-100 a margin – $3, over $100 a margin of 2%); place all available columns of an initial price with descriptions, articles, links to photos, etc. in the necessary columns of a total price. Thus, the user receives the ready price list for importing to online shop literally in just a few minutes.
For optimization of work in system there are constructors for price lists processing rules creation therefore it is enough just to create these rules one time and you can use them constantly.
The service is paid in excess of price lists certain volumes converting: there is a system of payments acceptance in it, and also partner system (the referral program) which allows to earn in


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