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Addons marketplace PrestaShop

Our current post is dedicated to the task: how is it possible to transfer your regular PrestaShop to the marketplace with the sellers (vendors), etc.?
Addons marketplace PrestaShop is the solution for sure. Let’s get acquainted with this option more closely!
Well, market knows such PrestaShop marketplace modules like Webkul multi vendor and other ones, but the father-module was Agile Multiple Seller module, which has started its history long time ago (however 5+ years ago) and was adapted to PrestaShop 1.6x version. Sure, those old-timer Presta was not using Symfony framework as it is now in the updated Prestas nowadays, but was based on PHP-methods mostly (box native methods or pure PHP).
Currently Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 module is prepared to be suitable with the latest Presta 1.7.8 (at the moment of this post) and is available at Addons marketplace PrestaShop:

Which options does this Addons marketplace PrestaShop provide:

  • Store owner transforms his box-Presta to the multifunctional marketplace by adding the new vendors there;
  • Store owner creates vendors there OTHERWISE they can apply for the registration from the front-end on their own;
  • Store owner is allowed to manage all vendors and confirm the new seller application, his account edit/ delete, etc. All venodr`s products will be unavailable on the store if admin deletes/blocks an account of the particular seller;
  • Store owner can control (manage) the vendors products or even create the new products / categories for the particular vendor;
  • Store owner can assign existing products to the defined vendor in our Addons marketplace PrestaShop;
  • Store owner can define the new vendors application conditions which are necessary to be accepted at the registration stage.

Which are the benefits of Addons marketplace PrestaShop (Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 Module) for the customer?

  • Well, customer will get an opportunity to view products of multiple sellers while staying on one store without looking for other offers throughout of Internet-sites, so it makes your Presta a real marketplace!
  • Customer can order products of different vendors simultaneously (add products of the sperarate sellers to the cart and proceed the payment);
  • There will be created separated orders if customer buys the products from the independent sellers (vendors);
  • Customer is able to observe seller`s details on the product page and contact him;
  • Customer controls the order status processed by the vendor (seller).

agile-multiple-seller-17-Addons marketplace PrestaShop

More details about Addons marketplace PrestaShop (Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 Module) are here:

agile-multiple-seller-17-Addon marketplace PrestaShop

agile-multiple-seller-17-Addons marketplace PrestaShop-productsAddons marketplace PrestaShop include not just the core-module “Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 Module” but extra ones, which increase the functionality options more than significantly! Let’s discuss more concrete:

Agile Seller Commission Module, which is available for sales here:

Pay attention that Agile Seller Commission module is an auxiliary accessory for the Agile Multiple Seller 1.7:

Agile Seller Commission Module Addons marketplace PrestaShop

Agile Seller Commission Module Addons marketplace PrestaShopWhich options does this Agile Seller Commission Module provide?

  • Store owner can manage the commissions for vendors based on multiple factors easily, like:
    a) to use PayPal as a payment method or another option
    b) define rates and transaction fees for seller / store level or even the commission rate by product category if necessary, etc.
  • Key feature of this module is flexible management of sellers fees
  • Store owner will be able to set comfortable sales conditions between vendors and him based on the predefined commission fees – so admin will get income from vendors sales.

Agile Paypal Parallel Payment Module which is available here:

So here are the next options:
Addons marketplace PrestaShop allows to devide payments between multiple vendors according to the price of the added to the cart products. Thus a customer adds different products to the cart > pays for the them > system splits the amounts between the appropriate sellers accordingly. So finally module guarantees useful flexibility for the Presta marketplace owner and gives more facilities in the “add to cart” process.

What’s under the hood of this Addons marketplace PrestaShop, which requires other 2 previously described modules to be installed first: Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 and Agile Seller Commission must be installed before Agile Paypal Parallel Payment.

Agile Paypal Parallel Payment Addons marketplace PrestaShop

Agile Paypal Parallel Payment Addon marketplace PrestaShopCustomers are able to add different products of independent sellers to the cart and proceed common payment for all of them. Finally it simplifies usage of the marketplace by customers without thinking that the purchased products belong to the different vendors – all the process goes automatically.

Summing it up currently we have the next Addons marketplace PrestaShop:

Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 module

Agile Seller Commission

Agile Paypal Parallel

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