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Useful Agile modules for PrestaShop marketplace

Dear Friends, we would like to remember you about our Agile modules that can really help you to make the management of your PrestaShop marketplace easier and more comfortable.

So, the main one is Agile Multiple Seller for PrestaShop 1.6 / 1.7!
Agile Multiple Seller is a PrestaShop addon module that empowers various dealers (merchants) to share a solitary PrestaShop store and shopping basket. It can transform your PrestaShop into a marketplace. The store (marketplace) proprietor controls all admittance to the PrestaShop store. Dealers/Vendors can enumerate, sell and deal with their items and orders.

More information and Link to buy: 

Agile Multiple Seller 1.7

Agile Seller Commission module is an auxiliary accessory for the Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 and allows a store owner to manage seller commissions and commission payments through Paypal or outside of store, allowing to set commission rates and transaction fees at seller level or store level or commission rate by product category.

More information and Link to buy:

Agile Seller Commission

Agile Paypal Parallel Payment module is an auxiliary accessory for the Agile Multiple Seller 1.7 and Agile Seller Commission

It allows to accept payment from one customer and split it between different sellers according to the purchased products.

More information and Link to buy:

Agile Paypal Parallel Payment

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