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How to backup PrestaShop store

Prior to beginning anything, you should contemplate security. Any change made on a shop could break it, so you should ensure all your information has been supported up prior to going further. This essentially suggests saving two things: your records and your information base.

We will give you all the subtleties you may require to run a redesign, yet we can’t be considered liable for any harm caused to your shop during the interaction. That is the reason we emphatically prescribe you to follow this reinforcement step.

Files backup managing

The primary components to reinforcement are the records on the web worker where you have sent your PrestaShop. The PrestaShop organizer contains the source code, yet additionally your modules and subjects, pictures, and any remaining assets expected to run your shop effectively.

Copy files rules

To finish this progression, your shop organizer should be duplicated elsewhere. In spite of the fact that it very well may be basically duplicated on another organizer on your worker, making an extra duplicate of your documents on another PC is a decent extra safety effort. To do as such, interface with your worker utilizing a FTP, SSH or RDP association (contingent upon your worker and facilitating supplier), duplicate the documents in another area, at that point download them on your PC.

Note that relying upon the quantity of records and your web association, this may require a couple of hours to finish. In any case, in case you’re a high level client and have a total admittance to your worker, the following part may help you speed up.

Reward: Compress your files before download

As said previously, downloading the entire PrestaShop organizer each document in turn will set aside a long effort to finish. On the off chance that you can run orders on your worker, you can make a reinforcement quicker by compacting the entire substance in a solitary document record, at that point downloading this document locally.

  • On Windows-based workers, this requires a far off work area access. Once signed on your far off climate, utilize the Windows adventurer to arrive at your www envelope and pack all its substance into a ZIP document.
  • On Linux-based workers, you need to get to your worker terminal utilizing SSH. Once signed in, arrive at your organizer and utilize the accompanying order to make a TAR record:
tar -czf <file_name>.tar <folder_to_save>

For instance the next:

tar -czf backup.tar /var/www/html

At the when your file is prepared, you may duplicate it on your PC.

Information database backup reinforcement

The information base on which PrestaShop runs should be saved too. There are numerous approaches to get a dump of the information base substance, and we can’t cover every one of them. Don’t hesitate to utilize your devices, we simply cover the principle ones here. You can consider your dump is finished when you get a SQL document with the construction AND the substance of each table in it.

Utilizing MySQL customer in order line

Utilizing mysqldump is the most clear approach to make a full reinforcement of a particular information base. In a Windows or Linux terminal, run the accompanying order to make a record dump.sql with your data set design and information:

mysqldump yourdbname > dump.sql

With yourdbname a model name for the PrestaShop information base.

Your worker is probably going to require certifications. These subtleties can likewise be given as boundaries:

mysqldump -h<IP_or_hostname> -u<user> -p db1 > dump.sql

In the event that you don’t recall your data set name or certifications, you can discover them in your arrangement documents:

  • PrestaShop 1.6: config/
  • PrestaShop 1.7: application/config/parameters.php

More insights regarding reinforcement and recuperations with MySQL pairs can be found on the authority documentation.

PhpMyAdmin (web interface)

PhpMyAdmin, given by a few facilitating suppliers, offers another approach to get a total dump of your data set.

Sign on your PhpMyAdmin interface, select the data set where PrestaShop is introduced and picked the “trade” tab.

We encourage to choose the “custom” strategy, as it offers more choices to modify your dump. Ensure every one of your tables, sees, and so forth are chosen for reinforcement. To get a similar document content as the mysqldump technique, the accompanying alternatives ought to be checked also:

  • Use LOCK TABLES proclamation

Snap of “Go”, trust that the landfill will be created, at that point download it.

Other MySQL customers

There are a ton of approaches to associate with a MySQL worker. A wide range of virtual products additionally give a dump or fare choice also.

  • MySQL Workbench: wizard.html
  • Navicat MySQL:
  • Adminer, a simple to utilize and finish MySQL customer in php:
  • Continuation Pro (Mac):
  • other options to manage PrestaShop database backup
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