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PrestaShop installation requirements

Since you mean to produce for PrestaShop, you are in an ideal situation keeping all your advancement work on your machine. The principle advantage is that it makes it workable for you to altogether sidestep the way toward transferring your record on your online worker to test it. Another preferred position is that a neighborhood test climate empowers you to test code without the danger of breaking your creation store. Have a neighborhood climate is the fundamental initial phase in the way of web improvement.

Introducing a nearby climate

Introducing any web-application locally necessitates that you initially introduce the sufficient climate, in particular the Apache web worker, the PHP language translator, the MySQL data set worker, and in a perfect world a MySQL administrator device, for example, phpMyAdmin device.

This is called a *AMP bundle: Apache+MySQL+PHP and the working framework, giving WAMP (Windows+Apache+MySQL+PHP), MAMP (Mac OS X+… ) and LAMP (Linux+… ). Since the entirety of the things bundled are open-source, these installers are more often than not free.

Here is a choice of free AMP installers:

  • XAMPP (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris) –
  • WampServer (Windows) –
  • EasyPHP (Windows) –
  • MAMP (Windows, Mac OS X) –
  • Laragon (Windows) –

To introduce LAMP on your PC follow these means (tried on Debian Buster).

  • Update your framework
apt update
  • Introduce MySQL
apt install default-mysql-server default-mysql-client
  • Introduce Apache worker
apt install apache2
  • Introduce PHP
apt install libapache2-mod-php7.3 php7.3 php7.3-common php7.3-curl php7.3-gd php7.3-imagick php7.3-mbstring php7.3-mysql php7.3-json php7.3-xsl php7.3-intl php7.3-zip

Making a database for your shop

On the off chance that you are introducing PrestaShop on a web worker, at that point you should make the information base and offer admittance to an advantaged client. You will require this current client’s qualifications to design PrestaShop during the establishment interaction.

Utilizing phpMyAdmin

We expect you have root admittance to phpMyAdmin, and you’re utilizing variant 4.x.

  • Sign in to phpMyAdmin as the root client
  • Snap User accounts, and afterward click on Add user account
  • Fill the User name and the Password
  • In the Database for user account, select Create database set and Grant all advantages
  • Make client and data set and ensure the COLLATION of your information base is utf8mb4_general_ci

From the command line use

The data set should be made with 4-Byte UTF-8 encoding (utf8mb4_general_ci). For data on establishment and designing MySQL see the MySQL 5.6 documentation Associate as root to your MySql worker. In this model our root client is called adminusername:

$ mysql - u adminusername - p

Make the data set and give it a name like “prestashop”:

> CREATE DATABASE prestashop COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;

Award advantages to that information base to another client (the one that PrestaShop will use to associate with the data set). How about we call it “prestashopuser”.

> CREATE USER "prestashopuser"@"hostname" IDENTIFIED BY "somepassword";
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON prestashop.* TO "prestashopuser"@"hostname";

In the model above,

  • prestashop is the name of the new information base
  • hostname is typically localhost ( or localhost), on the off chance that you don’t have a clue about the worth, check with a framework adminitrator
  • somepassword should be a solid secret key and obviously, just known by you

At long last, flush advantages:


Downloading PrestaShop sources

The source code of PrestaShop is facilitated on the Official PrestaShop GitHub Repository

You can locate all the delivered adaptations of PrestaShop here: PrestaShop discharges

Daily arrivals of PrestaShop are additionally produced day by day. Their subtleties can be found on a public Google Cloud stockpiling

Picking the correct adaptation for you

PrestaShop comes in two “flavors”:

  • Delivery bundle. A zip bundle, tuned for creation conditions.
  • Advancement rendition. The crude source code all things considered on the GitHub store, including mechanized test suites, fabricate contents and source codes for resources that are generally arranged (like javascript and css documents).

PrestaShop install

Incline toward cloning the archive utilizing git for the improvement adaptation.

On the off chance that you plan to deal with PrestaShop itself, we recommend utilizing Git to clone the source code of PrestaShop from the GitHub store.

Store branches

As expressed above, in the event that you choose to chip away at PrestaShop itself, it’s ideal to clone the PrestaShop store and work utilizing git. Contingent upon the rendition of PrestaShop you need to chip away at, you should pick the correct branch:

  • The create branch contains the current work in advancement for the following minor or significant adaptation.
    – This is the correct branch to contribute new highlights, refactors, little bug fixes, and so forth
  • The upkeep branches (1.6.1.x, 1.7.0.x, 1.7.1.x, 1.7.2.x, … ) contains all patches made for every minor variant.- For instance, the 1.7.2.x branch contains all patches from to At whatever point another minor or significant form is prepared for discharge, another support branch is made. For instance, 1.7.0.x for adaptation, 1.7.1.x for, 1.7.2.x for, etc.- Just the latest support branch acknowledges new commitments

Clone the archive utilizing Git or concentrate the zip bundle in a prestashop organizer inside the report envelope of the AMP installer you picked:

  • XAMPP: C:xampphtdocs or /Applications/xampp/htdocs
  • WampServer: C:wampwww
  • EasyPHP: C:easyphpwww
  • MAMP: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/

PHP conditions

Use author to download the task’s conditions:

cd /path/to/prestashop
composer install
# or alternatively, since 1.7.8:
make composer

JavaScript and CSS conditions

PrestaShop utilizes NPM to oversee conditions and Webpack ( to gather them into static resources. You just need NodeJS 8.x (12.x most extreme get it here, NPM will deal with everything.

cd /path/to/prestashop
make assets

Then again, you can incorporate resources physically.

Setting up document rights

PrestaShop needs recursive compose consents on a few catalogs: ./admin-dev/autoupgrade

  • ./app/config
  • ./app/logs
  • ./app/Resources/translations
  • ./cache
  • ./config
  • ./download
  • ./img
  • ./log
  • ./mails
  • ./modules
  • ./themes
  • ./translations
  • ./upload
  • ./var

You can set up the proper authorizations utilizing this order:

$ chmod +w -R admin-dev/autoupgrade app/config app/logs app/Resources/translations cache config download img log mails modules themes translations upload var

In the event that you don’t have a portion of the envelopes above, kindly make them prior to evolving consents. For instance:

$ mkdir log app/logs

To back off your life on an improvement climate, we propose to make Apache run with your own client and gathering.

Never do that underway! Cautiously change consents organizer by envelope all things being equal.

Introducing PrestaShop

Open the PrestaShop installer and adhere to its directions.

Contingent upon whether you downloaded a delivery bundle or cloned the store, the course to the installer will be somewhat unique:

  • Delivery bundle:
  • Advancement form: dev

You can peruse the Getting Started manage for additional subtleties.


Assemble Error: Cannot announce class AppKernel, on the grounds that the name is now being used

You may discover this mistake message the first occasion when you open up the Back Office.

This issue may emerge on the off chance that uncaring document frameworks like MacOS because of a misconfiguration. Check your Apache setup and ensure that the root index way to your PrestaShop matches the capitalization of the genuine framework way precisely. A regular blunder is for instance having an organizer named /path/to/PrestaShop (capital P, capital S) and afterward designing it in Apache /path/to/PrestaShop (missing the capital S).

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