join us on Teams Shop – service for the sale or lease of real estate


Besides complex back-end tasks and work with API methods for mobile devices and web services, our team carries out projects with a full cycle of development: from the PSD design (PhotoShop) to the finished functional testing.

Today, there will be a speech about the service for the sale or lease of real estate, which is basis of the WordPress platform but is much more customized. For example, when opening any object, it will be displayed 3D tour of its rooms. The visitor can always switch between rooms, and also use the mode of displaying the tour on the whole screen. On the page of each object there are also presented data on its cost, number of rooms, beds, address and contact phone number. In addition, the visitor can print this data, send it to the e-mail or distribute it through the social network.

The integrated calculator allows you to make the necessary calculations for real estate payment. The derivation of associative real estate objects is presented not only on the pages of the sale, but also on the pages of the lease. The site has a system of users’ authorization and registration, the output of objects on the Google map and a filter for their search.

The site is adapted for mobile devices and has modern controls in the form of outgoing menus, full-screen Google maps, share-buttons, etc. As a result, we have a modern cross-browser resource that can act as a wonderful start-up!


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