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АГ “Интерфинанс” – JavaScript, JQuery и CSS3

The section “Portfolio” looks like blog with the new posts, however the new projects are added not frequently … All the matter is that our major projects are about the administrator panels, based on frameworks like CakePHP that could be interesting not to all our visitors. Besides, such admin panels are visually not vivid and have functional design only, so we can hardly make the screenshot to attract you!

Therefore today we will tell about a dessert which sometimes also occurs in the list of SoftSprint orders – pure HTML 🙂 The website is based on JavaScript, JQuery and CSS3. The client is the company AG “Interfinance” from Donetsk (Ukraine). Actually the task was to create the adaptive design with the support of different resolutions and browsers. All dynamic effects are made by CSS, for example:

  • popup windows on sections click in menu;
  • maintenance by sound effects on menu click;
  • the twisting daggers of windows closing and so on.

As a result there is a structured Landing Page with architecture of the business card site. The website looks beautifully even on the small displays (to 500px. width), being dynamically transformed and adoptive. The section “Contacts” has the two Google maps with the pins of offices in Kiev and Donetsk. The contact form is simple to use and provides the fast emails delivery.

We wish success to collective of AG “Interfinance”!



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