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Agile auction module for multisellers PrestaShop

agile-seller-auctionAgileSeller Auction is a PrestaShop addon module that enables multiple sellers (vendors) to create the auctions for the products. It is working in connection with “Agile PrestaShop Multiple Seller/Vendor Module” and without it as well (on pure PrestaShop). This module transforms your store into powerful auction platform with sellers, customers, their bids and wins – all of these will boost your sales!

– the choice of the product for which auction will be appointed;
– setting of the starting price;
– setting of minimal threshold on which the following rate must differ;
– setting of the auction beginning time (the ability to set future time – this means that the auction will start automatically at a certain date);
– setting of the auction ending conditions:
a) by date (the highest bid will win the auction after its time is up);
b) in case of determined price achievement (seller can specify the price at which he wants to end the auction)
– setting of the auction status (active and inactive);
– automatic update of the auction status ;

– automatic auction parameters update without reloading the page;
– messaging the client and the seller when the auction ends;
– history of bids for each auction;
– ability to adapt the module for a single seller (main store) and for the multiple sellers (interacting with modules Agile).

Creation of the auction in the admin panel:
Admin/seller can create the new auction in the admin-panel of PrestaShop store – it`s enough to click on “+” button in the catalog > Agile Auction List menu:


The panel of auction creation:
– choosing the product from the drop-down list;
starting price indicating (there will be shown current currency of PrestaShop);
threshold price (the increment of the bid);
starting date – defines the start of the auction, that allows you to plan future auctions;
conditions of auction end defines whether to finish the auction after the ending data or on achieving the target price (the input field will be shown to indicate such price);
ending date defines when the auction will be closed;
auction status allows to manage it: open/closed/finished;
active allows to activate the auction


The new auction will be created and showed in the list of all auctions. Here you can use filters to show the auctions by their type, status, etc:


The auction history viewing:
– here you can see the actual bids with the name of the customer, price of the bid and date;
– “product info” directs the admin/seller to the products edit page


The auction front-end:
– the typical product page has got the additional block with auction management;
– showing of the time left before closing of the auction;
– current price of the product and the valid bid


Auction interaction with Agile modules

Alternative access to the auction management is the seller’s panel, based on Agile multiseller module – here you can see the new button, called “My auctions”:


The list of auctions is shown in the tab “My auctions” and it is designed like a table with such columns like: starting price and data, conditions of the auction end (by date or price), statuses, etc. Besides, you can always edit or delete the specified auction.


The new auction creation can be done via “Add auction” button:


The panel of auction creation for the seller mostly inherits the admin`s panel in the native PrestaShop back-end: the same drop-down with the products, which belong to the current seller; starting price and threshold price; starting date and auction conditions, etc.


The new auction appears in the list of existing sellers auctions and it can be managed any time:


The example of the auction which finish condition is “by price” – the current winner name is shown:


You can always place your bid to become the current winner. Bidding is allowed for the authorized customers only.

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After making the bid there will be shown current winner`s name and his bid amount. Besides any customer will see the next minimal bid he has to place:


Message about the won auction will invite the winner: it tells that you can add the won product into the cart now and buy it for the won price. Besides this exclusive price will be shown to you instead of the regular price on the product`s page until you will not buy the product.

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An auction buying conducted by standard methods of site payment:

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So, as we can see Agile auction module is very user-friendly and simple in handling – it is exactly what most of the customers need. No doubt such a product will boost your sales!

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